Dear Google Ads API Team,

I would like to know if there is a way to retrieve a complete payment 
history (all completed payments) for a Google Ads account via the API. This 
feature has been requested by users for over 10 years but appears to remain 
unresolved. Are there any plans to address this in the near future?

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

22 Eylül 2023 Cuma tarihinde saat 15:07:57 UTC+3 itibarıyla Avinash Bhatt 
şunları yazdı:

> hello,
> is there any update on the same
> On Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 1:29:52 AM UTC+5:30 Google Ads API Forum 
> Advisor Prod wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> Unfortunately, this feature is still not available. We appreciate your 
>> feedback in the importance of this feature. I will raise your request again 
>> for the Google Ads API, but in the meantime, please continue to keep an eye 
>> out on our blog <> for any updates.
>> Regards,
>> Danica, Google Ads API Team 
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q23JQHu:ref

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