I have a query
SELECT metrics.average_cpc, metrics.average_cpm, metrics.average_cpv, 
metrics.average_impression_frequency_per_user, metrics.ctr, 
metrics.engagement_rate, metrics.engagements, metrics.interaction_rate, 
metrics.interactions, metrics.video_quartile_p100_rate, 
metrics.video_quartile_p25_rate, metrics.video_quartile_p50_rate, 
metrics.video_quartile_p75_rate, metrics.video_view_rate, 
metrics.video_views, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks, 
metrics.cost_micros, ad_group.id, ad_group.name, ad_group.status, 
ad_group_ad.ad.id, ad_group_ad.ad.type, ad_group_ad.ad_group, segments.date
 FROM ad_group_ad
WHERE segments.date  = '2024-12-29'

Using the query validator I get

   - 'metrics.average_impression_frequency_per_user' is not a valid field 
   in the SELECT clause when 'ad_group_ad' is the resource in the FROM clause. 
   Fields in the SELECT must be 'Selectable'.

See attached image - the field is Selectable
Taken from 
Please advise

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