Hi, still not heard anything. I sent an email to your compliance team, but 
they only responded with that they would expedite the review process. I 
then asked them what this would mean in terms of days and time. Now it has 
been around 6 days and still I havent been provided an update. Can you 
please follow this up?

onsdag 16. oktober 2024 kl. 12:39:37 UTC+2 skrev Saif Rana:

> Hi, 
> I applied for a basic access for my developer token quite some while ago 
> and have not heard anything back in terms of status update or similar. I 
> thought this would take around 3 business days, unfortunately I have been 
> waiting for almost a month now. I can share my google ads MCC id if need 
> be. Would highly appreciate if you guys could help me out here to get this 
> sorted.
> Looking forward to hearing from you. 

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