I use OfflineUserDataJob to Add/Remove identifier from an UserList.

>From what I understand, when we run the job, it is actually handled by 
Google Backend.

May I ask when is the actual Data transfer happen? From some of the REST 
API I saw, it look like when I use addOperation, the identifier data is 
already sent to Google, and it should be safe to terminate the operation 
Object after run the Offline Job. (We check the status later). However, 
since the v17 API use protobuf as the method to transfer data, I would need 
to get confirmation about whether or not the identifier has reached Google 
back end at the moment operation are added, and if it is safe to 
(assumably) kill the application after requesting to run the Offline Job.

I have this concern since for some reason, when I run the job async, there 
are still some thread running in the background, and constantly run request 
to check the operation status to Google, and I cant find anywhere anything 
that explain it behaviour.

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