I am using google leads Java SDK to load Marketing information from Google 
Ads. Since April 2024 information loaded by SDK not full. For example. For 
July 1 2024 I have registered *$276* costs for all campaigns. But from 
google leads SDK I get sum only *$130*. And this difference I have each 
[image: Screenshot_10.png]

Here it is log request/response
[2024-09-06 14:54:40,451][grpc-default-executor-0][ INFO][ 
com.google.ads.googleads.lib.request.summary] SUCCESS REQUEST SUMMARY. 
Method: google.ads.googleads.v17.services.GoogleAdsService/SearchStream, 
Endpoint: googleads.googleapis.com:443, CustomerID: 1345476539, RequestID: 
wRLh3H9jq6lmmpa4YpF5mQ, ResponseCode: OK, Fault: null. [2024-09-06 
com.google.ads.googleads.lib.request.detail] SUCCESS REQUEST DETAIL. Request 
------- MethodName: 
google.ads.googleads.v17.services.GoogleAdsService/SearchStream Endpoint: 
googleads.googleapis.com:443 Headers: {developer-token=REDACTED, 
x-goog-api-client=gl-java/1.8.0_202__Oracle-Corporation gccl/33.0.0 
gapic/33.0.0 gax/2.51.0 grpc/1.65.1} Body: customer_id: "1345476539" query: 
"SELECT ad_group_criterion.keyword.text, 
ad_group_criterion.keyword.match_type, campaign.id, campaign.name, 
ad_group.name, ad_group.id, ad_group_criterion.criterion_id, 
metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks, metrics.cost_micros, 
metrics.average_cpc, ad_group_criterion.status, segments.device FROM 
keyword_view WHERE segments.date = \'2024-07-01\' ORDER BY 
metrics.impressions DESC " Response -------- Headers: 
06 Sep 2024 21:54:39 GMT,alt-svc=h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; 
ma=2592000) Body: results { campaign { resource_name: 
"customers/1345476539/campaigns/20883119980" name: "Europe - To - All 
Devices - 22nd May" id: 20883119980 } ad_group { resource_name: 
"customers/1345476539/adGroups/156231330399" id: 156231330399 name: 
"London, United Kingdom" } metrics { clicks: 0 cost_micros: 0 impressions: 
119 } ad_group_criterion { resource_name: 
"customers/1345476539/adGroupCriteria/156231330399~12180831" status: 
ENABLED keyword { match_type: BROAD text: "flights to london" } criterion_id: 
12180831 } keyword_view { resource_name: 
"customers/1345476539/keywordViews/156231330399~12180831" } segments { device: 
DESKTOP } } results { campaign { resource_name: 
"customers/1345476539/campaigns/20883119980" name: "Europe - To - All 
Devices - 22nd May" id: 20883119980 } ad_group { resource_name: 
"customers/1345476539/adGroups/156231329279" id: 156231329279 name ... 
TRUNCATED. See README.md to configure/disable log truncation. Failure 
message: null Status: Status{code=OK, description=null, cause=null}.

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