I am also encountering this issue, specifically as follows: 
*SELECT conversion_action.name, 
conversion_action.firebase_settings.event_name, conversion_action.category 
FROM conversion_action*
The returned list contains all conversion actions belonging to categories 
such as Default, Download, Purchase, AddToCart, BeginCheckOut, PageView, 
*BUT, the conversion actions that I see in the Google Ads UI, which belong 
to the In-app ad revenue category (for example, conversion actions like 
ad_impression, which are sent from AdMob to Firebase and then imported into 
Google Ads), do not appear? *
I am wondering whether these ad_impression conversion actions belong to the 
conversion_action table?  
On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 2:09:03 PM UTC+7 cv wrote:

> Hi Bryan,
> Sorry, I send you other query. But In my query I have used the 
> conversion_action.
> Please see the correct query here.
> Query:
>                    SELECT
>                         conversion_action.category,
>                         conversion_action.status,
>                         conversion_action.name,
>                         conversion_action.resource_name
>                     FROM
>                        conversion_action
> I have sent other required details via email privately.
> Actually I have no direct option to reply directly to author. So send on 
> direct support email id.
> Thanks,
> On Thursday, 20 August 2020 at 21:38:15 UTC+5:30 adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for reaching out to us. I see that you're missing conversion 
>> actions from your query. Could you provide us with your request and 
>> response logs that show the missing conversion actions, as well as show a 
>> screenshot of your conversion actions and the ID of the account you're 
>> experiencing this discrepancy with? For privacy, please reply using the 
>> "reply privately to the author" button.
>> Thank you,
>> Bryan, Google Ads API Team
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q20WP1z:ref

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