Hello. There was an error in the PMax campaign because the final URL in the 
asset group was incorrect. I would like to retrieve this issue via the API, 
but no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find a way to get a response 
indicating that the final URL was incorrect and needs to be corrected. Is 
there a way to get a result from the Google Ads API indicating that the 
final URL was incorrectly registered in the asset group?

Here are the methods I tried:
SELECT asset_group.primary_status, asset_group.final_mobile_urls, 
asset_group.final_urls, asset_group.primary_status_reasons, 
asset_group.status FROM asset_group WHERE asset_group.campaign = 
'${targetId}' ORDER BY asset_group.id DESC

SELECT asset_group_asset.asset, asset_group_asset.field_type, 
asset_group_asset.primary_status, asset_group_asset.primary_status_details, 
asset_group_asset.primary_status_reasons FROM asset_group_asset WHERE 
asset_group_asset.asset_group = '${resourceName}'

These queries did not provide the information I was looking for. Could you 
please guide me on how to achieve this?

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