I am working on Google Ads API. My goal is to find detailed information on 
the cost, clicks, etc. for each "Performance Max" campaign. When I use the 
following query:
SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name, segments.ad_network_type, 
segments.advertising_channel_type FROM campaign WHERE segments.date DURING 
LAST_30_DAYS AND segments.advertising_channel_type = 'Performance Max' 
I see that the ad_network_type field has a value of 'mixed'. I want to find 
detailed information on what constitutes this 'mixed' value (e.g., how many 
clicks, impressions, cost) for the components such as:

I found information in the documentation that such data can be retrieved 
from the detail_placement_view table: 
when I try to retrieve any data from this table, even with the simplest 
query, I always get an empty array as a result, for example:

I have tried this query:
SELECT detail_placement_view.placement_type FROM detail_placement_view 
WHERE segments.date BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-05-26' 

And it always returns me an emtpy array. I have tried manipulating this 
query, extracting different fields, increasing the date range, etc., but I 
always get an empty array. Why is this happening? Is this table still 
provided by Google, or is it deprecated? Does anyone have any information 
on this?

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