This is probably possible but not using Google Ads API.

The libraries are largely created automatically. I think the sources to 
create the data classes (for campaigns, groups etc.) are also included in 
the library source - a long time ago I had to check something in the .NET 
library source, downloaded these sources and started studying. In there I 
found documentation how to create or update these data classes. (I didn't 
check these document, I was checking for some weird bug.)

So I suggest to download a library of your choice from GitHub, and study 
how these are created. You may also contact the library maintainers for 

I hope this helps.
If you get results this way, would you give feedback here too?

On Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 9:05:09 PM UTC+1 Reem Gawad wrote:

> Hello, just following up here. Could you confirm whether this is currently 
> possible through the Google Ads API?
> On Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 11:41:01 AM UTC-5 Reem Gawad wrote:
>> To illustrate, if I make the following query to get all 
>> metrics selectable with a Campaign: "SELECT name, attribute_resources, 
>> data_type, metrics WHERE name = 'campaign'"
>> How can I then identify from the metrics returned which ones are 
>> cost-related/Money related? Or which metrics will be returned in micros? Do 
>> you have an example of a query we can make to get this information for 
>> metrics?
>> Thank you.
>> On Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 7:07:33 PM UTC-5 Reem Gawad wrote:
>>> Hello, 
>>> I am trying to fetch from the API all metrics that are returned in 
>>> micros. I saw in this previous answer 
>>> <> the 
>>> following was stated:
>>> *"please note that Fields of type Money are returned in micro currency 
>>> units (micros) in the API"*
>>> How do I query for this *Money *field type through the Google Ads API? 
>>> I need to be able to differentiate metrics returned in micros from all 
>>> other metric types.
>>> Thank you

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