I would like to know what is meant by averageCpaMicros.
>From what I understand it is the cost per share expressed in Micros.
But I didn't understand what period he was referring to.

{"01": {"clicks": 23.37779426574707, "costMicros": 155000031, 
"conversions": 0.5365825295448303, "impressions": 263.8755187988281, 
"conversionRate": 0.022952659055 59063, "averageCpaMicros": 288865221, 
"clickThroughRate": 0.08859402686357498}}

I would like to understand if the value in averageCpaMicros is a value to 
be divided by the days of the period so as to represent the daily 
expenditure or is this another type of data?

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