i am using google ads api in my project,for getting data from google ads 
api i used the google ads python project,in that project i provided this 

# Developer token
# A developer token is required when making requests to the Google Ads API 
regardless of #
# whether you're using the OAuth2 or Service Account configurations. To 
obtain a #
# developer token see: #
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/first-call/dev-token #
developer_token: 5OZhiUtnztBuYUXrQNvJrg

# Use proto plus
# This parameter specifies whether the client library should return 
proto-plus messages #
# or protobuf messages. This value should be explicitly set to either 
"True" or "False", #
# For more information on the differences between these two types, see our 
Protobuf #
# Messages guide: #
use_proto_plus: True

# OAuth2 configuration
# The below configuration parameters are used to authenticate using the 
recommended #
# OAuth2 flow. For more information on authenticating with OAuth2 see: #
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/oauth/overview #
client_secret: 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

# Service Account configuration
# To authenticate with a service account add the appropriate values to the 
below #
# configuration parameters and remove the three OAuth2 credentials above. 
The #
# "json_key_file_path" value should be a path to your local private key 
json file, and #
# "impersonated_email" should be the email address that is being used to 
impersonate the #
# credentials making requests. for more information on service accounts, 
see: #
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/oauth/service-accounts #
# json_key_file_path: INSERT_PATH_TO_JSON_KEY_FILE_HERE

# Login customer ID configuration
# Required for manager accounts only: Specify the login customer ID used to 
authenticate #
# API calls. This will be the customer ID of the authenticated manager 
account. It #
# should be set without dashes, for example: 1234567890 instead of 
123-456-7890. You can #
# also specify this later in code if your application uses multiple manager 
account + #
# OAuth pairs. #
login_customer_id: 9240769066
# Logging configuration
# Below you may specify the logging configuration. This will be provided as 
an input to #
# logging.config.dictConfig. Use the "level" block under the root logger 
configuration #
# to adjust the logging level. Note in the "format" field that log messages 
are #
# truncated to 5000 characters by default. You can change this to any 
length by removing #
# the ".5000" portion or changing it to a different number. #
# logging:
# version: 1
# disable_existing_loggers: False
# formatters:
# default_fmt:
# format: '[%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s] %(message).5000s'
# datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# handlers:
# default_handler:
# class: logging.StreamHandler
# formatter: default_fmt
# loggers:
# "":
# handlers: [default_handler]
# level: INFO

# Proxy configuration
# Below you can specify an optional proxy configuration to be used by 
requests. If you #
# don't have username and password, just specify host and port. #
# http_proxy: http://user:password@localhost:8000
without this data is it possible to get google ads api,
with just signing into google ads account,i want to access data.if it 
possible give me the detailed solution.

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