
Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Forum.

Since you mentioned that you are unable to pull the paused ad groups in API, I 
can see that your GAQL contains 2 segments fields such as 
segments.hour,segments.date. When you add any segments field, then it tells the 
query to retrieve only the rows of data that have said segment fields and 
remove any row that is not associated with those segments. The closest document 
I can share is from the segmentation guide from this section.

The general rules of reconciling a report from reports in the Ads UI with a 
report from the Ads API is to check that the "row fields" in the UI reflect the 
segmenting fields of the API and that the filters in the UI reflect "WHERE" 
clause in the API.

If you followed above, and still ad groups not getting pulled, then you may 
reply privately to author option with the full logs, and uncropped Ads UI 
screenshot showing the data so that we can investigate the issue.

This message is in relation to case "ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2mx0Mw:ref"


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  • No... Emmanuel Martinez
    • ... 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum

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