
We're currently using affiliate location extensions with location groups 
(FeedItemSets). Due to the announced migration from feeds to assets I'm 
trying to change our code accordingly.

I want to add specific Location Assets (synced from ChainIds) to my location 
group asset set. For example only those with a certain place.

Unfortunately I can't find a way to filter or retrieve these data.
I can retrieve these data from "FeedItem" using feed_item.attribute_values, 
but there seems no similar selectable field in "Asset". According to the 
docs "Asset" only has the following location related selectable fields:  
asset.location_asset.business_profile_locations,  asset.location_asset.
location_ownership_type and  asset.location_asset.place_id.

"AssetSet" looks similar. It offers multiple fields from 
business_profile_location_set ( business_name_filter, label_filters, 
....),  but only relationship_type for  chain_location_set.
I can't find a way to filter AFFILIATE (chain_location) location assets.

Tldr: *How can I create filtered location group asset sets based on a 
Chain_ID synced AssetSet? * 

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