I have the following problem:
I would like to update the value 'cpc_bid_micros' on *campaign level*, 
unfortunately I have not found a functional way to do this, neither in the 
docs, nor by trying.
I have used the following example from the documentation, but without 
When I try to adapt this for a campaign, I get the following error message 
from the API: "*UnexpectedValueException(code: 0): Invalid message 
property: cpc_bid_micros*".
Accordingly, I firmly assume that it is not possible to *update the value 
"cpc_bid_micros"* *of a campaign in this way.* For an AdGroup this works 
without any problems.
I also looked at this part of the documentation, which actually only 
describes the same as the upper part:
So my question is, how can I set the value 'cpc_bid_micros' for an already 
existing campaign and update it. Unfortunately, for our purposes, it is not 
enough to set it exclusively via the AdGroups.
Thanks a lot in advance!

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