Google Ads API is on v14 now ... you're referencing v8 which is no longer 


On Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 11:54:55 AM UTC-4 Giosuè Anastasi wrote:

> My problem is that I can't even do a single "refresh token". I'm using the 
> official tool 
> Il giorno lunedì 19 giugno 2023 alle 14:03:59 UTC+2 Κωστας Μαυρογαλος ha 
> scritto:
>> If your project is in "Testing" because you haven't verified it, the 
>> refresh token expires after a week of its making.
>> What helped me(using the PHP client library, was to literally just 
>> re-make a refresh token the same you made your first one.
>> For the PHP library in particular, the file you're looking for is: 
>> GenerateUserCredentials.php and it's in the path: 
>> "root_folder/examples/Authentication".
>> Hope this helps
>> On Monday, June 19, 2023 at 12:10:12 PM UTC+3 Emanuele Lucchese wrote:
>>> We have the same problem. 
>>> I using the php library client. 
>>> Il giorno domenica 18 giugno 2023 alle 12:40:08 UTC+2 Giosuè Anastasi ha 
>>> scritto:
>>>> I'm trying to follow this video 
>>>> to try the ruby code example.
>>>> I have this account manager 584-026-8307 with developer key and a I 
>>>> create a test account as asked in the video that is this one 
>>>> 139-901-9468 
>>>> jops@uno:~/Projects/google-ads-test$ 
>>>> ./google-ads-doctor/oauthdoctor/bin/linux/amd64/oauthdoctor -verbose 
>>>> -language ruby -oauthtype installed_app -configpath ./google_ads_config.rb 
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 Client library language: ruby
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 Google Ads API client library config file: 
>>>> google_ads_config.rb
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 Config keys and values:
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 ClientID = ******************* (hidden)
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 ClientSecret = ******************* (hidden)
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 DevToken = ******************* (hidden)
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 RefreshToken = <empty>
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 LoginCustomerID = <empty>
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 PrivateKeyPath = <empty>
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 DelegatedAccount = <empty>
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 Config file validation failed: RefreshToken is 
>>>> empty.
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:16 Please enter a Google Ads account ID:
>>>> 1399019468
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:22 Making a HTTP Request to Google Ads API:
>>>> GET /v8/customers/1399019468 HTTP/1.1
>>>> Host:
>>>> User-Agent: google-ads-doctor/source
>>>> Developer-Token: REDACTED
>>>> Accept-Encoding: gzip
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:22 Get "
>>>>": oauth2: 
>>>> token expired and refresh token is not set
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:22 ERROR: Your refresh token may be invalid.
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:22 Attempting to regenerate refresh token...
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:22 Visit the URL for the auth dialog:
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:37:22 Copy the code here to continue:
>>>> Enter Code >> *here i enter the code*
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:38:44 Making a HTTP Request to Google Ads API:
>>>> GET /v8/customers/1399019468 HTTP/1.1
>>>> Host:
>>>> User-Agent: google-ads-doctor/source
>>>> Developer-Token: REDACTED
>>>> Accept-Encoding: gzip
>>>> 2023/06/18 12:38:44 A HTTP Status (404 Not Found) is returned while 
>>>> calling
>>>> *2023/06/18 12:38:44 ERROR: OAuth test failed.*
>>>> I don't understand what I have done wrong. Someone can help me?

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