I want to remove all locations in campaign and update new locations.
I tried it to use in google-php-sdk examples but some locations still exist
foreach ($locationIds as $locationId) {
            // Creates a campaign criterion.
            $campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion([
                'campaign' => $campaignResourceName,
                'location' => new LocationInfo([
                    'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::

            // Creates a campaign criterion operation.
            $campaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation();

            $campaignCriterionOperations[] = $campaignCriterionOperation;

        // Submits the criteria operations and prints their information.
        $campaignCriterionServiceClient = $this->googleAdsClient->
        $response = $campaignCriterionServiceClient->mutateCampaignCriteria(

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