
Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Forum. I hope you are doing 
well today.

Moving forward to your concern about “click_view data for app campaign”, 
for our team to further compare, investigate, and validate why you are 
encountering issues, can you provide more information?

   Provide the complete (request and response with request-id) logs with 
   request ID generated as shown in the respective links.
   Complete or uncropped screenshots from the Google Ads UI (optional)

We do this to check if there’s an error thrown on your side and provide 
accurate recommendations. 


If you haven't enabled logging yet, it can be enabled by navigating to the 
Client libraries > Your client library (ex. Java) > Logging documentation, 
which you can access from this link. For REST interface requests, you can 
enable logging via the curl command by using the -i flag. This will cause 
the tool to include the HTTP response headers in the output.

You can provide these via the Reply privately to author option. If this 
option is not available, then send it instead on this email address 
googleadsapi-supp...@google.com <https://groups.google.com/>.

Reference links:

   Logging documentation - 
   Request - 
   Response - 
   Request-id - 

Have a great day.

Google Ads API Team

On Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 5:13:22 PM UTC+8 t.br...@affise.com wrote:

> Hello, I have a problem with getting click_view data for app campaign 
> clicks.
> When I execute the following query
> SELECT ad_group_ad.ad.name, metrics.all_conversions, metrics.clicks, 
> segments.date FROM ad_group_ad WHERE segments.date = '2023-05-28'
> I get
> ad:{resource_name:"customers/***/ads/***" type:APP_AD}} 
> metrics:{all_conversions:689 clicks:3638} segments:{date:"2023-05-28"}
> However, when after that I send the following query (with the same 
> credentials, customer id and everything)
> SELECT click_view.gclid FROM click_view WHERE segments.date = '2023-05-28'
> I get no results. Same when adding a specific gclid to WHERE condition in 
> the click_view query.
> I did see this part in documentation about click_view: "For non-Search 
> campaigns, metrics.clicks represents the number of valid and invalid 
> interactions.". But does that mean, that for non-Search campaigns there is 
> no way to get per-click info from click_view?

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