Hi Ahmed,

Thank you for your reply. Please refer to the answers below:

1. Can you confirm that the Retrieve bid simulations 
 link you shared would contain all the did data show on the UI as the naming is 

If this contains the same fields to the said columns or sections then it will 
get the same results. However, if you encounter any issues let us know.

2. What would be the best way to start experimenting an retrieving the data 
through the API?

We can suggest checking our Quickstart guide as it explains the workflow 
process of the Google Ads API. Since the Google Ads API is more on retrieving 
data from Google Ads UI, you can check this reporting of performance data is an 
integral part of Google Ads API applications. With the API's flexible reporting 
options, you can obtain performance data for all resources. Please refer to the 
links below:

Quickstart guide - https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/start?hl=en
reporting - https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/reporting/overview
resources that can be queried in the Google Ads API - 

3. I don't mean the exact data I meant getting this type of data to test if I 
can get it in the first place, I was viewing the docs on test accounts and it 
mentioned having some limitations on reports data?

Yes, we can confirm that there is a limitation in using a test account. For 
more information please see the "Testing Best Practices" page for guidance on 
working around these limitations via this link: 

4. For example if the Google Gmail account is associated with multiple ads 
accounts, can I access all accounts through the API?

Could you please confirm if you are referring to the access levels in your 
Google Ads Account? If yes, then the said Google Gmail account has access to 
the multiple Ads account. The grant access to the Google Ads Account, will be 
able to select which features the user can impact by assigning an access level. 
For more information please visit this link: 

Best regards,

Google Ads API Team

Also find us on our blog:

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