Hello again,

As suggested by your side, I have been trying to push ListingGroups bigger
than 10_000 nodes and can't get it to work with a single BatchJob. All the
operations always come back with an INTERNAL_ERROR with the message: "The
MutateJob was aborted. There are no further results to return.".

[image: image.png]

A ListingGroup tree has a limit of 20_000 nodes ( it is smaller for the new
PerformanceMax but not for normal Shopping Campaigns). And the limit of
operations that fit in a BatchJob in the new API goes up to a million. If
that's the case why am I not able to send the 20_000 operations to create a
single tree in a single BatchJob?

Are you planning to work on a solution for this? We currently don't have a
solution that allows us to send trees bigger than 10_000 nodes which are
supposed to be valid.

*Miquel Isern Roca*
Python Software Engineer
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On Wed, Feb 1, 2023 at 11:53 PM Google Ads API Forum Advisor
<adsapi@forumsupport.google> wrote:

> Hi Miquel,
> No updates since our last email on January 20.
> Regards
> Anash
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2hxZRz:ref

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