Hi Calford,

The TargetingIdeaService recently finished a migration to a new
backend.  This stats returned by this backend only include Google
Search, while the old backend included Google Search and Search
Partners.  The same backend is now being used for the Keyword Tool web
interface and the API, so the numbers should match up.

I'll look into the August data and see why it isn't being returned.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Sep 15, 7:09 am, calford <jonathan.cifuen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed today that they results returned by the API are quite low.
> As an example Aston Martin in France (All languages) used to get
> around 450000 results per month
> now the results give me 74000 for the same search in the same country.
> Anyone else having this problem? is it related to the maintenance of
> the API few days ago?
> Also, Last week i had results for August, but now they are not showing
> up.
> Thanks

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