
We do not charge when you actually download the report from the
reportdownload url. Also, the rates for adding a report definition was
changed recently, now it costs 400 units, not 1 unit.

All the details for API rates are available on the AdWords API rate
sheet available at http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/ratesheet.html.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Sep 13, 1:47 am, ADM <goo...@scienceops.com> wrote:
> On the rate sheet for using the Google API, a mutate(ADD) call for the
> ReportDefinitionService should only cost 1 token. Returned for that
> mutate(ADD) call is a ReportDefinition object that contains the ID of
> the newly created report definition. With this ID one can download the
> newly created report from the following URL:
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/reportdownload?__rd=REPORT_DEF...
> My question is:
> Does it cost any more tokens to actually download the report from the
> above URL? If, so, are the extra tokens related to how much data is
> contained within the report?

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