My mistake. I was double including resources to remove. That was my issue.

On Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 3:01:39 PM UTC-5 Ian Prentice wrote:

> I am getting a "mutate not allowed" error, but I am not sure why. The 
> Criterion and Campaign status are both "!= REMOVED"  Here iis the response 
> with Request ID.
> [2023-01-26T14:42:54.996193-05:00] google-ads.WARNING: Request made: Host: 
> "", Method: 
> "/",
> CustomerId: 4690782794, RequestId: "AwFoIIvscuV3OExU75Y_xA", IsFault: 1, 
> FaultMessage: "["Mutates are not allowed for the requested 
> resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates 
> are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for 
> the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested 
> resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates 
> are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for 
> the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested 
> resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates 
> are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for 
> the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested 
> resource.","Mutates are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates 
> are not allowed for the requested resource.","Mutates are not allowed for 
> the requested resource."

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  • Mu... Ian Prentice
    • ... Ian Prentice
      • ... 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
        • ... Ian Prentice

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