Hello all,

Today I have started working on google adwords for one of my client.I
have already gone through with all the forums and threads on this
group and found nothing useful.Every where I found just a small
message that "Please find more about this problem at some link".

I have made changes in the auth.ini and setting.ini respectively and
uploaded all the files on my testing server (Live server).Now when I
am trying to run example(provided by google with api) they are not
working and throwing errors for SOAP.I am providing all the
information here so please kindly give me a solution.

1>I have gone through with the official video on youtube and found
that after downloading the latest version (v200909) I must make some
change in auth.ini and settings.ini and I did that which is as

auth.ini :

email = "vaibhav.nadgonde......@gmail.com"
password = "***********"
userAgent = "Itgenesys adword test"
applicationToken = "ignored"
developerToken = "vaibhav.nadgonde........@gmail.com++usd"

; Uncomment to make requests against a client account.
clientId = "client_1+vaibhav.nadgonde.........@gmail.com"

settings.ini :

; Log directory is either an absolute path, or relative path to the
; AdWordsUser.php file.
LIB_LOG_DIR_PATH = "../../../../../../logs"


; Change to https://adwords-sandbox.google.com to work in the sandbox
; environment.
DEFAULT_SERVER = "https://adwords-sandbox.google.com";

; Enable/disable gzip compression on SOAP requests and responses.

; The level of gzip compression to use, from 1 to 9. The higher the
level the
; greater the compression and time needed to perform the compression.
; recommended and default value is 1.

; The type of WSDL caching to use. The possible values are 0 (none), 1
; 2 (memory), or 3 (disk and memory). The default value is 0.

; Other WSDL caching settings can be set in php.ini. See the following
page for
; the complete list: http://www.php.net/manual/en/soap.configuration.php

; Proxy settings to be used by HTTP (and therefore SOAP) requests.
; HOST = "<HOST>"
; PORT = "<PORT>"

; The server to use when making ClientLogin or OAuth requests. This
; doesn't need to be changed from the default value "https://

2>Now after making these changes I uploaded the files on my server
(www.itgenesys.com/adwords) and try to run the examples but some how
they are not working and giving me following error.


SoapFault Object ( [message:protected] =>
[InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR @ ] [string:private]
=> [code:protected] => 0 [file:protected] => /home/itgenesy/
[line:protected] => 179 [trace:private] => Array ( [0] => Array
( [file] => /home/itgenesy/public_html/adword/src/Google/Api/Ads/
Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php [line] => 179 [function] => __soapCall
[class] => SoapClient [type] => ->  [args] => Array ( [0] => mutate
[1] => Array ( [0] => CampaignServiceMutate Object ( [operations] =>
Array ( [0] => CampaignOperation Object ( [biddingTransition] =>
[operand] => Campaign Object ( [id] => [name] => Interplanetary Cruise
#1284027304 [status] => PAUSED [servingStatus] => [startDate] =>
[endDate] => [budget] => Budget Object ( [period] => DAILY [amount] =>
Money Object ( [microAmount] => 50000000 [ComparableValueType] =>
[_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [ComparableValue.Type] =>
ComparableValueType ) ) [deliveryMethod] => STANDARD )
[biddingStrategy] => ManualCPC Object ( [BiddingStrategyType] =>
[_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [BiddingStrategy.Type] =>
BiddingStrategyType ) ) [autoKeywordMatchingStatus] => [stats] =>
[adServingOptimizationStatus] => [frequencyCap] => ) [operator] => ADD
[OperationType] => [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [Operation.Type]
=> OperationType ) ) ) ) ) [2] => [3] => Array ( [0] => SoapHeader
Object ( [namespace] => https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v200909
[name] => RequestHeader [data] => SoapVar Object ( [enc_type] => 301
[enc_value] => SoapRequestHeader Object ( [applicationToken] =>
ignored [authToken] => DQAAAJ4AAACwp_dSZAVN5nK0cf0HjIWQWR65zyd9EM_nSp-

if you need any more details then do let me know, I will be happy to
provide in order to solve this error and make it work.

Thank you in advance

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