Hi Team,

We are seeing continuously resource exhausted errors while adding offline
jobs. May I know where to check for quota? It is ambiguous to understand
whether this quota is based on developer token or is it based on User
Oauth2 access token or is it based on API resource?

Could you please provide more info over quotas? and Where to get the quota
info for an API.

> 2022-11-25 03:18:30,810 WARN [grpc-default-executor-0] [] []
> com.google.ads.googleads.lib.request.summary - FAILURE REQUEST SUMMARY.
> Method:
> google.ads.googleads.v11.services.OfflineUserDataJobService/AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations,
> Endpoint: googleads.googleapis.com:443, CustomerID:
> customers/{customerId}/offlineUserDataJobs/27170498362, RequestID:
> 40Qf7-OeA9pEMgh0WKVScQ, ResponseCode: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, Fault: Resource
> has been exhausted (e.g. check quota)..
> 2022-11-25 03:18:30,810 INFO [grpc-default-executor-0] [] []
> com.google.ads.googleads.lib.request.detail - FAILURE REQUEST DETAIL.
> Request
> -------
> MethodName:
> google.ads.googleads.v11.services.OfflineUserDataJobService/AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations
> Endpoint: googleads.googleapis.com:443
> Headers: {developer-token=REDACTED, login-customer-id=<login-Custoimer>,
> x-goog-api-client=gl-java/11.0.12 gccl/0.0.0 gapic/ gax/2.6.1 grpc/
> pb/3.18.1}
> Body: resource_name:
> "customers/{CustomerId}/offlineUserDataJobs/27170498362"
> operations {
>   create {
>     user_identifiers {
>       hashed_email: "<hased mail>"
>     }
>   }
> }
> enable_partial_failure: true

25 Nov 2022 09:18:30 GMT,alt-svc=h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443";
ma=2592000,h3-Q050=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=":443";
ma=2592000,h3-Q043=":443"; ma=2592000,quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,43")
Body: null
Failure message: errors {
  error_code {
    quota_error: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED
  message: "Too many requests. Retry in 4 seconds."
  details {
    quota_error_details {
      retry_delay {
        seconds: 4
request_id: "40Qf7-OeA9pEMgh0WKVScQ"

Status: Status{code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, description=Resource has been
exhausted (e.g. check quota)., cause=null}

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