
Currently, I'm trying to reproduce a report that was created in the Google 
Ads interface using the Google Ads API. This is not my ultimately goal, but 
it's necessary in order to check that I get the data that I see in the UI 
using the API.

In particular, I've been trying to map the columns

1. search keyword
2. quality score
3. landing page experience
4. exp. CTR 

It seems that "search keyword" would correspond to e.g. 
"ad_group_criterion.keyword.text". If not, please, let me know.

However, it's unclear how to get the other metrics using the API.

So, here are my questions

1. Does the "*search keyword*" UI column correspond to 
2. Does the "*quality score*" UI column correspond to the 
*ad_group_criterion.quality_info.quality_score* field 
3. Does the "*landing page exp*." UI column correspond to 
4. Does the "exp. CTR " correspond to 
*ad_group_criterion.quality_info.search_predicted_ctr? *

If the response is negative to any of the questions above, could you please 
tell me which API resources or metrics do these columns correspond to?

Thanks for all your help.

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