Thank you for the clarification.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 2:57 AM Google Ads API Forum Advisor
<> wrote:

> Hi Julius,
> Thank you for reaching out to our API support team and for the details you
> attached.
> As per this recent blog post
> <>,
> the *include_in_conversions_metric* has now been set to a read-only
> field. Requests that attempt to set this value will result into the same
> error you have now encountered.
> That said, you may refer to the rest of the announcement in the blog, for
> more information. I hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> [image: Google Logo]
> Peter Laurence
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2fzO4q:ref

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