
Thank you for posting your concern.

It appears that the error you've mentioned in the subject and in the body of 
the concern are different. However, allow me to provide insights on both errors.

For the "429 Resource has been exhausted", please note that all of the Google 
Ads API client libraries use gRPC for generating requests and responses. By 
default, gRPC has a message size of 4 MB, but our client libraries set the max 
message size to 64 MB in order to increase efficiency.

Responses must not exceed this limit. For example, a search request that 
includes a lot of fields may generate a response that exceeds 64 MB in size. To 
avoid this limit, you can reduce the number of selected fields, reduce the page 
size, or use streaming. For mutates, send fewer operations per request.

Requests that violate this limitation will not generate a GoogleAdsError, but 
will generate a 429 Resource Exhausted gRPC error. Refer to the list of gRPC 
error codes and messages.

Moving forward to the error below, it signifies that you have already reached 
the number of operations per day for the developer token with basic access 
mentioned on this document. With this, you will need to wait for the time that 
mentioned in the retryDelay field to resume the API requests. Otherwise, if you 
need more operations per day, you can apply for standard access by following 
this guide to have an unlimited number of operations per day.

                            "quotaError": "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED"
                        "message": "Too many requests. Retry in 22986 seconds.",
                        "details": {
                            "quotaErrorDetails": {
                                "rateScope": "DEVELOPER",
                                "rateName": "Number of operations for basic 
                                "retryDelay": "22986s"


Ernie John
Google Ads API Team

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