I want to enable the "Observation" setting to see how a campaign is doing 
against a specific Audience List.

I added the Audience list as campaign criteria using the following code:
        operation = self.client.get_type("CampaignCriterionOperation")
        campaign_criterion = operation.create
        campaign_service = self.client.get_service("CampaignService")
        campaign_criterion.campaign = 
campaign_service.campaign_path(self.account_id, self.campaign.id)

        user_list_info = self.client.get_type("UserListInfo")
        user_list = self.get_user_list(user_list_name)
        user_list_info.user_list = user_list.resource_name 
        campaign_criterion.user_list = user_list_info

        response = (
                customer_id=self.account_id, operations=[operation]

However, when I query for the target_restrictions, the array is empty.
Is this expected?
        target_restrictions = campaign.targeting_setting.target_restrictions
        print(f"restrictions length: {len(target_restrictions)}")

To enable observation, would I create a new target_restriction?

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