Hi Team,

I am using Google Ads API using python library to connect my 'Test' Google 
Ads Account.

I have following parameters in my yaml file,

developer_token : my Production Google Ads Account Developer Token
use_proto_plus: True
client_id : my service account 'Unique ID'
json_key_file_path : my service account configuration file location
impersonated_email : my service account email address, like 

After i configured above , i am trying like 
python GoogleAd.py -c <test-account-id>

but am getting below error message,

Request made: ClientCustomerId:  <test-account-id>  , Host: 
googleads.googleapis.com, Method: 
RequestId: k9qZb7moOaQXYd5C62dT4Q, IsFault: True, FaultMessage: User in the 
cookie is not a valid Ads user.
Request with ID "k9qZb7moOaQXYd5C62dT4Q" failed with status 
"UNAUTHENTICATED" and includes the following errors:
        Error with message "User in the cookie is not a valid Ads user."

I have validated email address used to create service account is same as my 
PRODUCTION google ads login account.

Can you please guide me , how to fix this issue.


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