
I think you need to specify the complete class path, not just the
class name, when running the example:

  java -classpath .:../../lib/adwords-api-8.1.0.jar

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 26, 6:19 am, kondalaraoy <kondalar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using javaclient library for sandbox
> I downloaded adwords-api-8.1.0.tar,  for windows 7 operating system
> and jdk 1.6.0 software for java
> extract the adwords-api-8.1.0.tar in my desktop C:\ykrao\adwords-
> api-8.1.0
> and i compile the AddCampaign program in C:\ykrao\adwords-
> api-8.1.0\examples\v200909\AddCampaign.java using the following
> command like
> C:\ykrao\adwords-api-8.1.0\examples\v200909>javac -classpath ../../lib/
> adwords-api-8.1.0.jar AddCampaign.java
> after compiling the above program i got AddCampaign class file,After i
> run the AddCampaign.class file i got the above error,when i run the
> class file i was using the following command like
> C:\ykrao\adwords-api-8.1.0\examples\v200909>java -classpath ../.:../
> lib/adwords-api-8.1.0.jar AddCampaign           (and)
> C:\ykrao\adwords-api-8.1.0\examples\v200909>java -classpath .:../../
> lib/adwords-api-8.1.0.jar AddCampaign  at java.net.URLClassLoader
> $1.run(Unknown Source)
>  at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>  at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
> Please provide me solution what is the problem for above error i
> mentioned.
> Thanks,
> Y.Kondalarao.

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