I call the API to create a Google Shopping ad campaign, and I get the 
following error. I don't know the cause of the error. I use Google library 
to create campaigns:

022-08-29 10:14:45    
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
request_id: "opV4PdBnWYotpFvS-xxxxx"
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
      field_name: "shopping_setting"
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
    field_path_elements {
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
      field_name: "create"
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
      index: 0
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
      field_name: "operations"
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
  location {
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
    string_value: ""
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
  trigger {
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
  message: "Unauthorized CREATE operation in invoking a service\'s mutate 
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
    operation_access_denied_error: CREATE_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
  error_code {
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
add_smart_shopping_campaign: errors {
2022-08-29 10:14:45    
Customer with ID 830070xxxx, getManager  'false'2022-08-29 03:14:45.085 
 WARN 1 --- [ault-executor-2] c.g.ads.googleads.lib.request.summary    : 
Endpoint: googleads.googleapis.com:443, CustomerID: 830070xxxx, RequestID: 
opV4PdBnWYotpFvS-xxxxx, ResponseCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT, Fault: Request 
contains an invalid argument..



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