Hi John,

Thanks for identifying and finding a resolution to this bug.  Can you
create an issue on the project's issue tracker regarding this bug and
the resolution?


Also, if you've liked to become a contributor to the project and
commit the fix directly let us know.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jun 1, 4:06 pm, JohnW2G <jwri...@where2getit.com> wrote:
> With some help from Perl Monks found the and fixed the issue:
> Quoted from the Perl Monks ticket...
> Line 24 of Google/AdWords/Deserializer.pm  reads
> use SOAP::Lite;
> use base qw(SOAP::Deserializer);
> The code for the package SOAP::Deserializer is contained in the file
> SOAP/Lite.pm.  In other words, there is normally no SOAP/
> Deserializer.pm file — at least not in the current SOAP::Lite
> release.  OTOH, base checks if there exists a package variable
> $SOAP::Deserializer::VERSION (which doesn't in this case), and if not
> tries to load SOAP/Deserializer.pm. This is all fine as long as there
> is in fact no such file, as the error "Can't locate SOAP/
> Deserializer.pm at..." would silently be ignored by base.
> Now, the thing is that you do seem to have such a file (as the error
> message indicates), and apparently one which doesn't return a true
> value when requireed, which is an error condition that base does not
> ignore...   Further support for this theory is that if I put an empty
> Deserializer.pm file in my SOAP-Lite installation, I can reproduce the
> issue:
> $ perl -MSOAP::Lite -e'use base qw(SOAP::Deserializer);' SOAP/
> Deserializer.pm did not return a true value at (eval 80) line
> 3. ...propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.1/base.pm line 93. BEGIN
> failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
> [download]
> Anyhow, the short version of all this is that replacing the above line
> (in Google/AdWords/Deserializer.pm)
> use base qw(SOAP::Deserializer);
> with
> BEGIN { our @ISA = "SOAP::Deserializer"; }
> should also fix the issue...
> End Quote
> I have edited the module and I no longer am getting a compilation
> error.
> On Jun 1, 9:07 am, JohnW2G <jwrightw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I see there was some traction with perl issues in general on:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/browse_thread/thread/d7384...
> > Though it  looks like the thread went cold back in March, nor can I
> > make a reply on that thread to see what updates, if any, have been
> > made.
> > On Jun 1, 8:44 am, JohnW2G <jwrightw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am attempting to setup the v2009 Adwords API for perl and I am
> > > running into a compilation error.
> > > I have downloaded and installed the latest library package:
> > > awapi_perl_lib_1.3.2.tar.gz
> > > I have downloaded and installed the latest version of the SOAP WSDL
> > > module (no on version 861 the last time I checked 
> > > BTW):http://soap-wsdl.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/soap-wsdl/SOAP-WSDL/branc...
> > > Ran the patch.
> > > I created a adwords.properties file in my home directory and edited it
> > > with my account data (I did not turn on the Sandbox setting).
> > > Made a copy of display_stats.pl, when I tried to run the script I got
> > > the following errors:
> > > SOAP/Deserializer.pm did not return a true value at (eval 93) line 3.
> > >         ...propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/base.pm line 85.
> > > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/
> > > Google/AdWords/Deserializer.pm line 24.
> > > Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/
> > > Google/
> > > AdWords/Client.pm line 26.
> > > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/
> > > Google/AdWords/Client.pm line 26.
> > > Compilation failed in require at display_stats.pl line 24.
> > > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at display_stats.pl line 24.
> > > Any help?

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