is *anyone* using the PHP v2009 API? I'm guessing that it was released
prematurely and doesn't work at all.

perhaps v13 was sunsetted too early? I'm really surprised that Google
would come out with such a defective interface.

Cameron Knowlton

On Feb 12, 1:01 pm, iGods <> wrote:
> sorry for such a newbie question, but I'm having the problem adding a
> campaign to the sandbox. I notice this error has come up for others,
> but I thought I had my parameters setup correctly. I'm using the PHP
> library for api v2009.
> email addresses have been changed to protect the innocent. this
> username (email) and password are valid, for a non-MCC account.
> // in settings.ini:
> // in auth.ini (I tried adding clientEmail below just for fun, but
> that didn't help either):
> email = ""
> password = "secretagent"
> userAgent = "MyPPCapp"
> applicationToken = "myppcapp"
> developerToken = ""
> ; Uncomment to make requests against a client account.
> clientId = ""
> clientEmail = ""
> I've tried this with clientID and clientEmail disabled, enabled, and
> all combinations, but no luck.  I seem to be able to query the example
> with GetAllCampaigns.php (I'm thinking it just times out, but it does
> correctly report that there are no campaigns), but when I try the
> example AddCampaign.php I end up with the error:
> [message:protected] =>
> [OperationAccessDenied.ADD_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED @ operations[0]]
> I've read the previous responses to this, but couldn't divine the
> answer. What have I overlooked here?
> thanks in advance,
> Cameron

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