Hi Sidd,

The FailureResult exists within an OperationStreamResult.  There is a
one-to-one correlation between OperationStreams and
OperationStreamResults.  The index in the field path of the error in
the FailureResult is relative to the OperationStream that correlates
to the current OperationStreamResult (try saying that three times
fast).  Let me know if you have any further questions.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Feb 8, 6:02 pm, sidd <sidd.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm finding it a bit unclear how to extract the failed Operand in a
> batch process.
> I see there is a FailureResult that contains a fieldPath.  To which
> operation stream does the index returned in the field path belong?
> Or in short, how do I extract the failed entity ID from an individual
> batch failure result?
> Thanks,
> sidd

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