Hi Peer,

In regards to the error, I just ran some tests and
GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_COOKIE_INVALID is the reason you would get for an
expired token as well.  Also, the token was invalidated immediately
after changing the password.

- Eric

On Feb 5, 11:25 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi Peer,
> To expand on nothize's points, the password change is the only way to
> manually expire an authToken, but I'm not sure that you would really
> need to worry about expiring them.  While I can understand the idea of
> proactively regenerating your authTokens before they expire, there is
> no harm is leaving the old token un-expired until they do so
> naturally.  From what I know the limitation is on how often you
> request tokens, not how many unexpired ones there are in the wild.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Feb 5, 5:34 am, nothize <noth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >Is there anyway to force a token to expire?
> > Not to my knowledge, should be a good alternative but that might not
> > be so viable because even a password change needs about 10 minutes to
> > expire the token. The Auth Token is meant to be used by all Google
> > services, thus there may be issues with real-time expiration in such a
> > distributed environment.
> > >It that the error reason that should trigger getting a new fresh
> > >token?
> > From my own experience without reading any documents, yes.
> > There're some ideas in the thread below, see if it 
> > fits:http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/browse_thread/thread/ed642...
> > Any proxy layer will surely be working too. Just implement your own
> > [request proxy token, try, fail->[request new proxy token, retry],
> > success->[done]] mechanism.
> > On Feb 5, 3:57 am, "Peer Jakobsen (AdWords API Guru)"
> > <peer.jakob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > One more question. What error reason can I expect when a token
> > > expires. I can see that if I put some random value I get this:
> > > It that the error reason that should trigger getting a new fresh
> > > token?
> > > Thanks

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