
i succeeded in creating keywords for a campain, but i don't understand
where and how i can define the MaxCPC for each keyword i create with
the code below :

 // Create keyword.
  $keyword = new Keyword();
  $keyword->text = 'mars cruise';
  $keyword->matchType = 'BROAD';

  // Create biddable ad group criterion.
  $keywordAdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
  $keywordAdGroupCriterion->adGroupId = $adGroupId;
  $keywordAdGroupCriterion->criterion = $keyword;

  // Create operations.
  $keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
  $keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation->operand =
  $keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation->operator = 'ADD';

  $operations = array($keywordAdGroupCriterionOperation);

  // Add ad group criteria.
  $result = $adGroupCriteriaService->mutate($operations);

Thanks for your help !

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