Hello, I am using TargetingIdeaService to find the following stats about a keyword: local search volume, global monthly search volume, search volume trends, highest volume occurred in.
I have the code below working but I am not sure what API call I need to use to get "local search volume". When I looked up online, it seems KeywordVariation.getLastMonthSearchVolume is equivalent to "local search volume", but for that I have to use KeywordToolService ad I would rather stick to TargetingIdeaService as I am using the latest version of adwords api(v2009) . I also noticed that data related to "AVERAGE_TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES" never comes back. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, CODE: public class GetRelatedKeywords { private static final String email = "......"; private static final String password = "......"; // private static final String clientEmail = "......"; private static final String useragent = "......"; private static final String developerToken = "......"; private static final String applicationToken = "......"; private static final String namespace = "https:// adwords.google.com/ api/adwords/v13"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Log SOAP XML request and response. AdWordsServiceLogger.log(); AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser(email, password, useragent, developerToken, applicationToken); // Get the TargetingIdeaService. TargetingIdeaServiceInterface targetingIdeaService = user .getService (AdWordsService.V200909.TARGETING_IDEA_SERVICE, "https://adwords- sandbox.google.com/api/adwords/o/v200909/ TargetingIdeaService"); Keyword[] kwa = new Keyword[1]; kwa[0] = new Keyword(); kwa[0].setText("cheap airline tickets"); kwa[0].setMatchType(KeywordMatchType.EXACT); LanguageTarget lt = new LanguageTarget(); lt.setLanguageCode("en"); CountryTarget ct = new CountryTarget(); ct.setCountryCode("US"); // Create selector. TargetingIdeaSelector selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector(); selector.setRequestType(RequestType.STATS); selector.setIdeaType(IdeaType.KEYWORD); selector.setLocaleCode("en_US"); selector.setRequestedAttributeTypes(new AttributeType[] { AttributeType.KEYWORD, AttributeType.COMPETITION, AttributeType.TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES, AttributeType.AVERAGE_TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES, AttributeType.GLOBAL_MONTHLY_SEARCHES }); // Set selector paging (required for targeting idea serivce). Paging paging = new Paging(); paging.setStartIndex(0); paging.setNumberResults(1); selector.setPaging(paging); // Create related to keyword search parameter. RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter relatedToKeywordSearchParameter = new RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter(); relatedToKeywordSearchParameter.setKeywords(kwa); selector.setSearchParameters(new SearchParameter[] { relatedToKeywordSearchParameter, new LanguageTargetSearchParameter(null, new LanguageTarget[] { lt }), new CountryTargetSearchParameter(null, new CountryTarget[] { ct }) }); // Get related keywords. TargetingIdeaPage page = targetingIdeaService.get (selector); // Display related keywords. if (page.getEntries() != null && page.getEntries ().length > 0) { for (TargetingIdea targetingIdea : page.getEntries()) { Type_AttributeMapEntry[] data = targetingIdea.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { System.out.println(data [i].getKey()); if (data[i].getKey().equals( AttributeType.TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES)) { MonthlySearchVolume[] msvs = ((MonthlySearchVolumeAttribute) data [i] .getValue ()).getValue(); for (MonthlySearchVolume msv : msvs) { System.out.println(msv.getMonth()); System.out.println(msv.getYear()); System.out.println(msv.getCount()); } } else if (data[i].getKey ().equals( AttributeType.GLOBAL_MONTHLY_SEARCHES)) { System.out.println (((LongAttribute) data[i].getValue()) .getValue ()); } else if (data[i].getKey ().equals( AttributeType.COMPETITION)) { System.out.println (((DoubleAttribute) data[i] .getValue ()).getValue()); } else if (data[i].getKey ().equals( AttributeType.AVERAGE_TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES)) { System.out.println (((DoubleAttribute) data[i] .getValue ()).getValue()); } else if (data[i].getKey ().equals(AttributeType.KEYWORD)) { System.out.println (((KeywordAttribute) data[i] .getValue ()).getValue().getText()); System.out.println (((KeywordAttribute) data[i] .getValue ()).getValue().getMatchType()); } } } } else { System.out.println("No related keywords were found."); } } }
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