Hi Lakatos,

I'm not sure if you've already investigated this feature, but keyword
insertion can sometimes be used to avoid having multiple ads that are
nearly identical.  Keyword insertion is a regular feature of AdWords
and doesn't require the API.  More information about it can be found
here: http://adwords.google.com/support/aw/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=74996.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Nov 18, 2:42 pm, Lakatos <elsor...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Every One,
> I happen to be a Top Contributor in the Google AdWords Forum. However,
> currently it's me who has an issue and hope perhaps some one in this
> group could help me a bit.
> Actually I'd like some one to point me to a site where good API-tools
> can be purchased for client.
> The task of the tool would be easy to describe. In a gross nutshell:
> Say I have an Ad Group as a templet where all data are constant and
> town name is the only variable. Of course, it appears in the ad group
> name, the advert headline, the display and the destination URLs.
> Ideally, I'd upload a long list of towns to the tool and it would
> substitute town names for the variable, one after the other. Thereby
> it would manufacture thousands of ad groups over time, each of them
> with a new town name. Ideally the same would also apply to Landing
> Pages. Finally the API-tool would upload the newly created ad groups
> to the AdWords account.
> I spoke to client's development team this morning and I think they can
> develop the API-tool if need be. However, it could be cheaper and more
> instant to find it on the market. Any one heard of anything similar?
> Thanks in advance,
> Lakatos
> AdWords TC


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