Hi Mike,

It could be that your account is temporarily locked due to some bad
login attempts.  You can unlock your account by filling out the
CAPTCHA here: https://www.google.com/accounts/displayunlockcaptcha.
Let me know if your continue to have problems logging in.

In this case the error is occurring while making requests to the
ClientLogin API to retrieve an authToken.  This happens before the
actual SOAP request to the AdWords API, which is why nothing is being
logged to the console.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Nov 18, 6:00 am, Mike <mike.tay...@blyth-valley.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to get the .NET examples going with the sandbox. I've
> rebuild the solution and editted the App,config to turn on debugging,
> but as soon as I run an example the application crashes with an
> unhandled exception in com.google.api.adwords.lib.AuthTokenException:
> login failed ...... the remote server returned an error (403)
> forbidden.
> App.Config
> ~~~~~~~~
>     <add key="LogPath" value="C:\Logs\"/>
>     <add key="LogToConsole" value="true"/>
>     <add key="LogToFile" value="false"/>
>     <add key="MaskCredentials" value="false"/>
> First of all, is there any way to see what is being sent in the SOAP
> headers? I was hoping it would come out on the console, but I get
> nothing.
> Secondly, I've checked and doublechecked my credentials for accessing
> the sandbox, is there someone who can check the credentials I am using
> are correct?
> Cheers
> Mike


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