Hi Should I get an new api devlopers token for the v2009 version or
can I use the valid v13 token we have?

On 6 nov, 17:07, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi,
> There are a few reasons your API developer token may not be working.
> The best way to investigate is to log into the AdWords web interface
> with your MCC credentials and navigate to "My Account" -> "AdWords API
> Center".  There should be some alert boxes at the top of the page that
> will give you information about your tokens and their status.
> One of the most common causes for inactive tokens is not having
> entered billing information.  Check that you have correct billing
> information entered on the screen "My Account" -> "Billing
> Preferences".
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Nov 3, 8:34 am, Dane <google...@breum.dk> wrote:
> > I have used adwords for years, and spend a very large sum of money on
> > it every year. Now I want to use the google API and applied for a
> > developers token, which I got right away. The letter said thai I could
> > expect activation within 1-2 weeks, this is almost 4 weeks ago, and
> > still no activation. Then I tried contacting the adwords-team, where I
> > get the reply that email support is not available for API. I do not
> > want support, I want to be activated, they seem to have forgotten me.
> > How do I explain to google that I want them to look at my application?
> > Thanks in advance!


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