Hi Rohan,

There are two different methods of downloading reports: as a zip file
using getGzipReportDownloadUrl() or as an XML file using
getReportDownloadUrl().  The zip file just contains the XML file, and
there are libraries that allow you to unzip zip files

If you are interested in loading the information into a database,
there is an open source project we've created that automatically syncs
AdWords data into a SQLite database: 

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Sep 22, 6:49 pm, ROHAN ROZI <smr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I've used report service.
> But apparently it just indicates url that I can download zipped file
> of the report..
> I want to insert information like clicks or impressions directly into
> database  without any user interaction.. so this zip file is the
> problem... Area there any other ways that I can get report other than
> zip file?  like xml file or programming data structure?
> Regards
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