Hi Eric,

There are only two users on the account myself with User Interface and
API access and
the account "owner" who has "Administrative Access" only.

I am a sole proprietor and no one else would have access to any of my
API related details.

I and I alone have generated all of the reports in the account for the
last year.

Daily API reports just started appearing in the Reports Center on
September 9, 2009.
I did not create them.

Its my understanding only a MCC with API can generate API Reports -
Administrative Access accounts can't generate API - correct?

There was a previous MCC account manager on these two accounts a year

All of the account logins and passwords were changed shortly after the
MCC switch.

Since there are no records of the reports being created nor who
created them and
provided the above questions answers are both affirmative - it would
lead me to believe
the API Reports were programmed prior to the MCC switch for a specific
date in the future -
which has now arrived.

Is this possible - to program an API report while in possession of MCC
API Access, then lose
MCC API Access yet still generate and receive API reports long after
the loss of API Access?


On Sep 17, 5:26 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi,
> Unfortunately there isn't a simple way to determine who scheduled a
> given report.  Here are a few areas you can look into though:
> 1) Do you have users logging in to the AdWords web interface that are
> creating reports?
> 2) Do you have any scheduled reports that could be automatically
> running?
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Sep 17, 12:49 pm, Cohn <timc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > API reports are being generated daily in my accounts by someone other
> > than me - the only MCC / API access holder on the account.
> > Any ideas how this is happening?
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