Hello Harut,

 Only the "status" property of an ad is updateable--your log shows
that you are passing in values for many of the other properties. I
have a feeling that the presence of values for one of those properties
is causing the internal exception that you're seeing. Could you try
only setting the adGroupId, id, and status properties of the image ad
in your updateAds() call and see if that helps?

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Aug 20, 11:49 am, Harutyun Terteryan <harr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I try to update image ad with .net v13 api, and got in log
> java.lang.NullPointerException, dose it bug of web service.
>  You can find log in attachment.
> Best
> Harut.
>  com.google.api.adwords.v13.AdService.rar
> 46KViewDownload
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