Hello Dan,

 You'll notice in the documentation for various report columns that
some columns are marked as (measure) and some as (attribute). Columns
marked (measure) have values that are calculated in part based on
historical data, such as the number of impressions an ad received 10
days ago. Columns marked (attribute) will always return the current
value as it is presently stored in our data. So if an ad currently has
a status of Paused and 10 days ago had a status of Active, a report
run today will show that ad with a status of Paused, regardless of the
date range requested in the report.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Aug 20, 11:10 pm, dkasak <daniel.ka...@247realmedia.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> There are various status fields in reports. eg KeywordStatus,
> CampaignStatus, AdGroupStatus, etc. Do these fields reflect what the
> status was at the time in question ( ie the date being reported ), or
> are they *current* statuses of objects.
> Thanks.
> Dan
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