Hello Team,

This is regarding geographic performance report.
I download a campaign aggregated geo-performance report everyday:

job = AdWords::V13::ReportService::DefinedReportJob.new
>       job.selectedReportType = 'Geographic'
>       job.aggregationTypes = 'Campaign'
>       job.name = report_name
>       job.selectedColumns = %w{Campaign Country CPC CPM CampaignStatus
> CampaignId City Clicks Cost DailyBudget DailyCTR ExternalCustomerId
> Impressions Metro Region }
>       job.startDay = date_str
>       job.endDay = date_str
>       job.crossClient = 'true'
>       report_srv = adwords.get_service(13, 'Report')
>       report_srv.validateReportJob(job)

I run this report daily at  12:00pm from Timezone: -0700.
Everyday the startDate and endDate is for the previous date
i.e say I am running the report on:  Fri Jul 17 12:00:08 -0700 2009
Then the start and end dates are: 2009-07-16

My account's time zone is: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
My adwords4r client: 15.1.0

The issue:
I started downloading this report from July 1 and since then I've been
getting empty xml files. Like these(actually not like, exactly these):

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
> <report><table><columns><column name="customerid"></column><column
> name="campaignid"></column><column name="campaign"></column><column
> name="country"></column><column name="region"></column><column
> name="metro"></column><column name="city"></column><column
> name="budget"></column><column name="campStatus"></column><column
> name="imps"></column><column name="clicks"></column><column
> name="cpc"></column><column name="cpm"></column><column
> name="dailyctr"></column><column
> name="cost"></column></columns><rows></rows></table><totals><grandtotal
> imps="0" clicks="0" cpc="0" cpm="0" dailyctr="0.0"
> cost="0"></grandtotal></totals></report>

However, when I run the report on: Fri Jul 17 12:00:08 -0700 2009 with
startDate and endDate = 2009-07-15. I get correct reports, with correct
values populated. Absolutely no errors at all!

Is this latency in receiving the data expected? Or am I doing something
wrong here?
Do let me know if any additional info is required.

Best regards,

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