Hello Bryan,

 I'm sorry, but I don't have any specific information about how the
AdWords web interface might enforce limitations, or how URL
substitution (which is outside the scope of the AdWords API) can
affect things. I would continue to rely on the info available in our
public guidelines, and probably the best way of determining the answer
to some of your questions would be through experimentation in the
AdWords API Sandbox environment.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 25, 4:39 pm, bryanjj <brya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know the official max length is 1024 characters, but we sometimes
> pull down URLs from the API which are considerably longer than this.
> Just going into the Adwords web UI, I was able to add a destination
> URL of 1038 characters.  Are there defined rules for this?  Also, how
> do substitution parameters and URL encoding affect the lengths?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
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