Hello Carl,

 There is usually a day or so's worth of lag on the data return from
the InfoService--it's definitely not realtime. That being said, our
engineering team has noticed that usage statistics have been more
delayed than you'd normally expect over the past few days, and they're
actively investigating ways of improving the job that compiles these
statistics. Apologies for any inconvenience regarding additional
delays in the meantime.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 17, 10:44 am, Carl <carl.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm developing an app using the adwords API and I wish to keep
> track of the units used. I'm querying the usage using
> "getUnitCountForMethod" however the values returned by this do not
> seem to be changing. Is this value a real time update ie. exactly what
> has been used to the current time, or is it only updated
> periodically?
> Thanks
> Carl
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