
 If you're not familiar with the AdWords API at all, then I'd
recommend you give the APIlity PHP client library a try, as it
simplifies the otherwise manual process of creating the SOAP XML in


 If you'd like to stick with using the sample code then we can debug
that if you turn debugging on ($debug = 1;) and post the request and
response SOAP XML messages that your code is sending and receiving. Be
sure to X out your password and token information before posting.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 10, 4:21 am, "gbase1staudiovis...@gmail.com"
<gbase1staudiovis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am a new adword user. I get the code 
> fromhttp://code.google.com/p/adwords-api-php-samples/source/browse/trunk/....
> First times that I run this script I get error, then I change request
> xml follow the xml example and the error gone.
> But,after I run the script again, I get "Fault occurred while
> processing" message and it has not any more detail.
> Thk 4 any help ><
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