Hello Dennis,

 There are two ways to exclude specific sites using the AdWords API.
You can use the setCampaignNegativeCriteria() call:


which will add a campaign-level negative criteria to a specific
campaign. The negative criteria will apply to all ad groups in that

 You can also exclude sites by adding negative criteria to a specific
ad group using addCriteria()


and passing in as a parameter a Website criterion object that has its
"negative" property set to true.

 Does that clear anything up? If not, could you please pass along the
requestId (found in the SOAP response header) for the API call that
results in the error message you're reporting?

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Apr 27, 7:05 pm, "dpha...@nextag.com" <dpha...@nextag.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about the site exclusions feature: it seems that
> this is a campaign level feature, yet you set it at the adgroup level.
> If I set the site exclusions for just one adgroup (out of many) in a
> single campaign, then this seems to work (using the Adwords GUI I can
> see all of the site exclusions that I set for the campaign that
> contains that adgroup). Is this a correct way of setting the site
> exclusions for a campaign? If I try to set the site exclusions for all
> of the adgroups in a campaign, then I get the following error:
> This request is attempting to exceed the limiton campaign website
> exclusions.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dennis
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