Hello Mark,

 Could you explain a bit more what you're hoping to achieve--what
exactly would "separating API usage per application" entail from your
perspective? If you're talking about billing for API usage, for
instance, using a different Application token wouldn't affect that at
all, nor would it affect any reporting you could do.

 From our perspective, using a different Application token gives us
one additional thing to filter on when looking through our internal
usage logs, but then again, so does simply setting a different user
agent header in your requests. So there's honestly not a whole lot of
value to be had from applying for a brand new Application token that
couldn't be done by varying your user agent headers.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Mar 19, 10:38 am, Mark <mcand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We are attempting to develop a new application to request data from
> the AdWords API.  We would like to be able to separate the API usage
> per application – I would assume this is possible by making requests
> with each token in the header using the InfoService.  There is nothing
> in the service documentation that explicitly says this, but the
> AdWords help says that the Application Token tracks API access by
> application – does this mean API usage as well?
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